Terms of service.

WEBSITE: The Big Jersey Guitar Club™ (“BJGC” or “Company”), this website (the “BJCG Website”), the text, content, artwork, design, and methods belong exclusively to Big Jersey, LLC, which reserves all rights in those and all other Intellectual Property in the website

Similarly, the Learning Club Method™ (“Method”) is an educational technology of enhancing the rate and productivity of learning in music study through a combination of self-study and playing with others and belongs exclusively to Big Jersey, LLC, which reserves all rights in the Method and the technologies therein.

USE OF THE SITE: By using this site, including, browsing, looking, joining, interacting with, subscribing to, and/or purchasing products or memberships on this site, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Service herein.

NO COMMERCIAL USE OF THE SITE: Use of the site is for Club members and those interested in Club Membership.  Any use of the website for any other purpose, including solicitations is forbidden.

EDUCATION: Big Jersey Guitar Club Learning Clubs

The Big Jersey Guitar Club Learning Clubs are interactive Jam session/educational sessions in which a topic or body of work in Jazz Guitar is studied, over a ten week period, that is centered on weekly virtual jam sessions via Zoom, during which participants get to play with Frank and apply the week’s study to a fun playing session.

LIMITED LICENSE: Your purchase of a Club Membership educational product grants you a limited license in the content that is provided (charts, music and videos lessons).  Specifically, you may reproduce the materials in order to download them for your own study and enjoyment, but you agree not to distribute the materials including, but not limited, to copying the materials beyond what has been provided above, uploading the materials to any website or electronic storage medium or distributing them in any other way, whether for sale or not, in any jurisdiction, throughout the World in perpetuity.

WAIVER OF LIABILITY: VIRTUAL SESSIONS: With respect to all virtual jam sessions, while BJGC endeavors to use best efforts to utilize the available technology for providing virtual sessions, including through Zoom and/or other providers, the aforementioned technology sometimes experiences operational issues that are outside of the control of BJGC, and you agree to hold BJGC harmless for any technical issue that interferes with your live participation in any live virtual session.

FORUM/CHOICE OF LAW: You agree that in the extremely unlikely event of a dispute with the Company, to be bound by the Laws of the State of New York, within the United States of America, and further agree to waive any and all right to trial by jury and to be bound by the determination of an Arbitrator under laws of that State of New York.